U.S. military death toll in Iraq exceeds number of deaths in 9/11 attacks

‘An eye for an eye’ does not explain this war - pre emptive revenge was one of Bush and Blair's excuses not a motive. However if you go in for numbers or are lucky enough to have your dead counted this is a significant milestone. www.usatoday.com


Bring Your Friends to this!

Please come and support Cambridge Stop the War and enjoy an evening of Comedy and Music.

There are three fantastic acts on the bill and a number of other suprises. The comedy will be followed by a 'Drop Beats Not Bombs' session so that you can groove the night away until 2pm.

The Romsey Labour club is on the corner of Mill Road and Collerage Road and the venue has a good value bar.

Please try nd get tickets in advance from Jill: 07804 241642


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