
Sent to the Cambridge Evening News on 13/1/06
Not Published

George Galloway will not be missing an important “debate vital to the capital” on Crossrail as implied by Bill Jacobs (news on the 11th of January). Your ‘journalist’ was obviously involved in a bit of cut and paste with a New Labour press release. The Select Committee is having a meeting on Thursday, of which no other MPs can attend. In addition the two motions are being presented to the House of Commons. One is to clarify an issue which George highlighted in his speech of opposition to the bill on its Second Reading last year, relating to the terms of reference of the select committee. The second is a motion on petitions submitted after the closing date for the submission of petitions. There is therefore no general or specific debate on the substance of the bill and the two motions are what might best be termed technical motions. If you journalist did his job properly you would find that Galloway and Respect have put across one of the only comprehensive argument against the damage that cross rail will have on the east end community in the six years it will take to build.

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