No to Fire Station Development

Sent to Cambridge Evening News 2/3/06
Not Published!

The proposed redevelopment of Cambridge fire station is a disgrace. Job losses at the station already mean that they rescue teams can not crew both special appliances at the same time. The new development will further reduces the services that the fire fighters can provide, by removing training facilities and other vital resources, but it is also a serious mismanagement of public property.

I am appalled that a publicly owned asset can be just given away to a profit hungry developer. Where are the councils principals? We have fought hard over the last century to build a welfare state that supports all of us regardless of social background. At that heart of this commitment is the public ownership of our own services and facilities. This disgraceful decision is one of a long line that hands public assets over to the private sector and is already ripping the heart out of our education, health, housing and now emergency provisions.

I urge the news and its readers to back proper public investment in Cambridge fire and rescue in order to maintain and build on the high standard of safety that we have come to rely on.


1 Responses to “No to Fire Station Development”

  1. # Blogger Tom Woodcock

    The news have failed to publish the last four letters I have sent.  

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© 2007 Tom Woodcock