A less convincing apology I have never seen . . .

Tony Blair's analysis in parts was spot on . . but he didn't believe what he said.

"According to [opponents of the war], the policy of America since 9/11 has been a gross overreaction; George Bush is as much, if not more of, a threat to world peace as Osama bin Laden; and what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else in the Middle East, is an entirely understandable consequence of US/UK imperialism or, worse, of just plain stupidity." (T. Blair, Reuters HQ, Canary Wharf, 21/3/06)

Blair’s speech to Reuters last night was desperate. How can he constantly refer to himself as a progressive? Does he really think he is helping to stop world poverty or environmental destruction? Both of which he used as an excuse for Iraq, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and The Balkans. He is now trying to convince his opponents by showing that he understands everyone’s concerns, but went on to say he would do it all again. It just made him look like a bigger apologist for Bush, stupid and desperate, calculated and wrong!


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