The Neo Liberal agenda is to Blame for NHS Crisis Point
0 Comments Published by Tom Woodcock on Sunday, October 08, 2006 at 3:17 AM.The threatened closure of Hinchingbrooke Hospital is the latest crisis to face the NHS. The cuts are a result of debts accumulated by New Labour and Tory commitment to privatisation and the market.
The dismantling of public services cost lives and leave the many area under resourced. But muli-nationals and big businesses see public services as industries from which profit can be sucked.
We have seen the destruction of mental health provision in Cambridge and the end of funding for Author Rank House. Further cuts are predicted in 12 of the regions NHS direct sites and the local Blood transfusion service. NHS logistics in Bury St Edmunds faces closure when the service is been taken over by the German corporation DHL. NHS Debt has soared to over £800 million this year and PCT’s are further pressured to privatise and cut.
Hospitals are now in competition with each other and outside providers. Crippling loan repayments from PFI (Private Finance Initiatives) and sub contraction advised by private consultancy firms are resulting in wholesale job losses, casualisation of staff and the limiting of services. Yet all three major parties support the breaking up and selling of off the NHS
Gordon Brown can commit £76,000 million to replace the Trident Nuclear Submarines and £7000 million to the War in Iraq yet he and the majority of MP’s won’t directly fund services.
It is no coincident that the same conglomerates and share holders plundering our public services are driving the wars to gain control of Middle Eastern assets.
The rally of over 1000 people this weekend in Huntingdon was a good demonstration of the publics anger. Many can see the hypocrisy of the Market. We need to unite worker, patients and the general public up and down the country and continue to link the privatisation agenda with the bigger picture. The Neo-Liberal agenda of successive British Government mean that the tax payer is paying for a war and being asset stripped at the same time.
Labels: NHS privitisation
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