Letter to Romsey voters 2009

Dear Romsey Resident,

Like many of you, I am angry about MPs’ expenses. We struggle to pay household bills whilst they claim on a second home. We pay to use ‘public’ swimming pools and transport but fund some MPs to have their own.

But the real hypocrisy is that all three political parties have told us there is not enough to pay decent wages, guarantee pensions or build high quality public housing. At the same time they have secured these things for themselves and their friends.

Gordon Brown spent £1.5 trillion bailing out the banks’ ‘toxic debt’ – ‘money’ created through ‘complex techniques’. We were already paying this in mortgages, pensions and loans - now they want us to pay again in future taxes!

If the bailout money was spent on local communities it would mean £150 million for each council ward – imagine what that could provide in Romsey! Just 1/50th of the money would double the state pensions for all.

All three parties supported the bail out – creative accounting underpins their economics. The money should be spent on pensions, jobs, public services and key environmental issues. Taxes should be spent directly on services and amenities.

So why have multinationals been allowed to run local buses for vast profits whilst cutting routes and raising fares? Why are local councillors encouraging private firms to profit from healthcare, sheltered housing and other services in Romsey and Cambridgeshire.

Now the Tories, Lib Dems and New Labour want to privatise Royal Mail allowing ‘investors’ to put prices up, cut ‘unprofitable’ services and push down our wages.

We should fight for a society run on the basis of NEED NOT GREED.

Help bring about in Romsey by giving me you vote in the
County Council elections on the 4th June.

Tom Woodcock
Independent Candidate
07712893552 / woodcocktom@hotmail.com

2 Responses to “Letter to Romsey voters 2009”

  1. # Blogger Subville

    Teenagers need something constructive to do. The council know this and have come up with ... nothing, so far. 'Our' kids are being told what a problem they are and are moved from place to place by neighbours, so they're feeling understandably resentful. The local PCSOs have become mediators between the kids and neighbours!  

  2. # Blogger Tom Woodcock

    The lack of youth provision is a big problem. There really needs to be activities for all ages at weekend ,holidays and the evenings. If the same amount of money was spent on youth workers as police that would help. We need to campaign for a youth centre as well as workers.

    What is for sure is that if we don't challenge the economic madness that is bailing out bankers and making us and our communities pay then we will see less facilities not more! All the main parties want to cut services further.  

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