I took a break from canvassing this weekend to attend the National Union of teachers conference. Respect is different from our political rivals because we are actively involved in the trade union movement. Campaigning for stronger trade unions in order to create better conditions of service and, amongst teachers, for better investment and a more radical approach to schooling.
It is always a joy to get together others who really feel we can make a difference and who know the government agenda has its priorities wrong. It was especially exciting this year because of the growing presence that Respect has amongst teachers. There were two other candidates at conference and Respect members and supporters were a huge presence. We made a massive input as we were able to put across a political alternative to conference delegates who are completely fed up with mainstream politicians. The Government came under serious attack from conference speakers and many Respect members contributed to important debates.
This government provides us with a massive threat to comprehensive state education. The education white paper passed last month proposes to take state schools out of public control and move them into the hands of big business. Trust schools and City Academies allow businesses to have a say is the curriculum and running of schools whilst handing over control of the land and buildings. We have already seen how this is open for corruption as New Labours cash for peerages scandals has involved some of the backers of the acadamies project. Access to a good education is a right and market forces will create more inequality, only those who can afford it will get a good education. Poor student, those who are disadvantaged and students with special educational needs will loose out as schools become under pressure to maximise output.They will become more like factories turning out Mac-workers. Schools are already to much like conveyor belts as it is. Respect support the NUT, who want comprehensive schooling that places happiness, healthyness and co-oporation at its heart.
I spoke on pensioned and told the conference how the money was there to give all working people a decent pension at a reasonable retirement age and we passed he motion. I also spoke at a Respect fringe meeting that had 90 delegates attend. The mood was excellent and there was a real feeling that Respect can make an excellent breakthrough in the local elections and start regaining some real representation for ordinary people. Lots of other people spoke about Respect campaigns elsewhere in the county and there is a real feeling that the population is comming round to the feeing that we need an alternative to the three partiesof big bussiness.
I cant wait to start canvassing again tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do!
It is always a joy to get together others who really feel we can make a difference and who know the government agenda has its priorities wrong. It was especially exciting this year because of the growing presence that Respect has amongst teachers. There were two other candidates at conference and Respect members and supporters were a huge presence. We made a massive input as we were able to put across a political alternative to conference delegates who are completely fed up with mainstream politicians. The Government came under serious attack from conference speakers and many Respect members contributed to important debates.
This government provides us with a massive threat to comprehensive state education. The education white paper passed last month proposes to take state schools out of public control and move them into the hands of big business. Trust schools and City Academies allow businesses to have a say is the curriculum and running of schools whilst handing over control of the land and buildings. We have already seen how this is open for corruption as New Labours cash for peerages scandals has involved some of the backers of the acadamies project. Access to a good education is a right and market forces will create more inequality, only those who can afford it will get a good education. Poor student, those who are disadvantaged and students with special educational needs will loose out as schools become under pressure to maximise output.They will become more like factories turning out Mac-workers. Schools are already to much like conveyor belts as it is. Respect support the NUT, who want comprehensive schooling that places happiness, healthyness and co-oporation at its heart.
I spoke on pensioned and told the conference how the money was there to give all working people a decent pension at a reasonable retirement age and we passed he motion. I also spoke at a Respect fringe meeting that had 90 delegates attend. The mood was excellent and there was a real feeling that Respect can make an excellent breakthrough in the local elections and start regaining some real representation for ordinary people. Lots of other people spoke about Respect campaigns elsewhere in the county and there is a real feeling that the population is comming round to the feeing that we need an alternative to the three partiesof big bussiness.
I cant wait to start canvassing again tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do!
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