Welcome Chavez . . .I haven’t got the energy to deal with Blair’s Hypocrisy

Tomorrow Londoners will welcome Hugo Chavez with open arms. A constant thorn in the Neo-Conservatives side, Chavez is leading the way as a number of Latin American countries resist the constraints and demands of the Washington led, corporate driven, global economy.

In contrast Blair continues to butter his bread on the side of Big Business. His Hypocrisy is reaching the heights of George Bush. This week Blair has had the cheek to warn Chavez and Bolivian President Evo Morales, who has recently nationalised his countries natural gas reserves.

This is what Blair said, apparently without irony:

“What countries do in their energy policy when they are countries like Venezuela and Bolivia matters enormously to all of us. My only plea is that people exercise the power they have got in this regard responsibly for the whole international community….. people are worried about energy supply in the future”

We have to pinch our selves. This comes from a man who, almost single handed, is legitimising the most irresponsible ‘long war’ in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon to spread further into the wider middle east. A war that has seriously threatened the international community and killed 100,000’s of innocent people in order to secure oil revenue and control energy. Blair is a killer and supporter of Bush’s state terror and he thinks he has the right to speak about international responsibility.

What is even more insulting is that Blair has it in his powers to lead the way toward the environmental revolution. Yet his approach to reducing energy consumption and developing renewable energy is nothing but protective of Big Business.

It is absolutely vital that the environmental lobby, socialists and peace activist unite politically. Between us we have the ability to get rid of Blair.

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