faslane 365

Cambridge has now set up a faslane365 group. The intention is to get 100 people from Cambridge together in order to spend two days blokading the Nuclear Submarine Base in Faslane, Scotland. The Cambridge group is organised on geographical lines and will brind together a number of different campaign and individuals. Other groups from around Britain and as far away as Sweeden will take other days in an atempt to blokade the base for a whole year starting in October. I intend to go and hope you will come too. The hipocracy of this government is so clearly exposed on this issue. Nuclear Weapons are just so wrong, they kill everything in there way, they cannot tell compatant from civilian and cause irreputable damage to the environment . if you don't intend to use them then you don't need them. We are signed up to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) and the new generation trident due to be housed at Faslane are more pwerful than the current system and thus a clear breach of the international treaty. Blair, Bush and most of the British media are currently engaged in a propoganda war against Iran for breaking the NNPT, which they are not, whilst the axis of corporate enterprise plans their attack and rebuild their warheads without and sene of the irony! The resources and money that will be tied up in the project are an insult to working people. We have been told that there is not enough money for free education and health of decent pensions. The 25 billion being spent on the submarines and bomps is enough to pay the 'crippling' NHS debt 35 times.

A steerning group has been set up and a date set - the weekend of the 4th and 5th of November.
If you would like to be on the e-mail list for the Cambridge Faslane 365 group then send a message to: sympa@lists.riseup.net

Log on to faslane365.org to check out the plan


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