Stop the War Cambridge Website

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2 Responses to “Stop the War Cambridge Website”

  1. # Blogger QUASAR9

    Henry Kissinger declares "military victory is not possible in Iraq." Only Civil government of all the warring factions can bring peace and put an end to the conflict in Iraq.

    The US still believes that military destruction of countries is not only good for the arms industry, but good for the economy with the reconstruction contracts which follow.

    The icing on the cake, on top of free flowing Oil. Don't forget Iraq Oil money doesn't go to Iraq, it goes to Texaco Oil whose headquarters are in ...?

    Maybe those who want to make a point should boycott Texaco Oil.

    Vote with your voice, Vote at the Ballot Box
    but most powerful, Vote with your feet
    Walk away from the agents of war
    Walk away from those who profit from war  

  2. # Blogger QUASAR9

    Hi working class hero,
    like you say voting with your feet

    Some people will say that demonstrating peacefully against war or against oppression doesn't achieve anything - after all Blair still went to Iraq, despite protests from millions, and Israel does whatever it likes whenever it likes, with total impunity ... despite the best efforts of those who offer solidarity.

    I am not suggesting starting a public demonstration or boycott of businesses - I am suggesting informing people of those businesses who profit from wars.

    Business is Amoral
    The only thing businesses care about, if enough people vote with their feet and hit them where it hurts, they do listen - profit is their life blood.

    A concerted global effort to publicly refuse to purchase Oil from Texaco or petrol from Texaco pumps - that is effective positive action.

    However, the difficulty as ever, is to get people to demonstrate against things, even more to maintin a concerted long term and solid 'boycott' of companies individually - by individuals.

    Whether it be goods from South Africa during apartheid
    goods from Israel during military occupation of the West Bank & Gaza
    or goods from Iraq and the US during the US occupation of Iraq.

    Other do gooders always appeal to the sympathetic under the false pretence that buying goods from Iraq might be good for the Iraqi people - yeah, which iraqi people, the americanised iraqies that have returned to iraq on the back on the US military invasion, who are profiteering from indebting their nation (a whole generation) to pay for a war and destruction, the people of Iraq never wanted - under the auspices of trickle down economy?
    ditto with Afghanistan.

    Africa does not need more money from the world bank to enrich their elite - Africa does not need Europe to buy goods from rich african farmers, goods for export? whilst their people are starving?

    Think about it - It can be a circular argument. Yes hardship is deplorable, but better hardship than to support & enrich those corrupt elite )and the greedy) who are the real causes of any and all hardship, whether in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine , Europe or the US.  

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