The fight to save Cambridge fire station from privatisation

Developers are set to build 100 luxury flats and a sub-standard private fire station on Parkside. It illustrates both national and local government’s lack of commitment to public services. The County Council is intent on giving away the land and vital resource. RESPECT is campaigning for a publicly owned and run fire station which will enable the fire fighters to continue to serve the public in the best way possible.

The decision also highlights the limited vision the City Council has for building an environ-mentally sound, sustainable, socially inclusive plan for Cambridge.

The Council has no long-term strategy for the city’s infra-structure. Housing, transport and other key services are being left to the haphazard design of corporate developers and multi-nationals. There is a political climate that disregards the interests and needs of the local community.

The County Council brought the land on Parkside through a compulsory purchase in order to provide fire and police cover for the city. Now Cambridge is growing at a rapid rate. It is right to re-evaluate fire provision. It is, however, completely wrong to reduce the fire cover and to give away valuable land to the profit-driven private sector. The station should remain owned and run by the public in the interest of all.

RESPECT believes it is the City Council’s duty to refuse planning permission for the new fire station. They must ask for more funds for key provisions and highlight the hypocrisy of central government’s endless war chest at the expense of public well-being.

RESPECT will continue to work with the Fire Brigades Union and the public for better provision in Cambridge. We will be presenting the petition opposing the plans to the City Council. If you have not already signed our petition, please do so.

We hope to welcome representatives from the Cambridge branch of the FBU at the next RESPECT meeting on 4th July at Ross Street Community Centre.


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