Letter to the Paper - Population Debate

Councillor Alan Baker’s inability to state a clear political position when discussing planning has led to a debate in the letters page about population, the environment and sustainability. Unlike Councillor Baker I have stated over and over that the health, education, transport and other infrastructure in Cambridge are stretched beyond their limits – as they are in many other parts of the country and globally.

However I disagree very strongly with the general tone of the debate that has blamed Population growth for; putting pressure on our resources, causing climate change, creating famine and for all territorial conflict. We must remember that the cause of all of these crimes lay with a very small minority. That is the 5% of the global population who own 80% of the world’s resources and who are so greedy and so stupid that they would prefer to see the planet die than redistribute any of it. The blame, however, must also stretch to our councillors. Time and time again they are unable to provide any clear analysis or give any direction. They take the heat for our leaders who see it fit to build weapons instead of schools and hospitals and who invade other countries for oil instead of creating an environmentally sound infrastructure fit for all of the world’s children.

There is plenty of room for us all, just not in they way we choose to structure things at the moment.


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